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How Audi is driving forward carbon-neutral production > 奧迪的可持續發展 > 探索奧迪 > Audi | Hong Kong Official Website





2014 年,奧迪是第一家根據國際認可的標準確定公司碳足跡的高端汽車製造商。這標誌著奧迪向溫室氣體排放透明化邁出的關鍵一步。如今,可以對這些排放物進行更詳細的分析,並有效減少排放量。

布魯塞爾就是一個例子:經獨立專家認證,該廠的生產完全是碳中和的,令這奧迪廠房既是先鋒,又是榜樣。在這裡製造第一部純電動批量生產的汽車,即 Audi e-tron,也是合乎邏輯的。這不僅是確保公司自己未來的努力,而且是在實現可持續發展戰略目標中發揮其作用的一項努力成果。

自 2016 年以來,轉換綠色電力使在布魯塞爾的奧迪廠房能夠防止每年向大氣中釋放約 17,000 公噸的二氧化碳,相當於每年約 1,500 德國人的碳足跡。

布魯塞爾的奧迪廠房工廠在其屋頂上擁有該地區最大的光伏發電系統,覆蓋面積約為 12.5 個足球場。

奧迪在布魯塞爾通過購買沼氣證書抵消了使用天然氣而產生的碳排放量,從而每年可補償 22,000 公噸的碳排放量。按照這個數量,Audi A3 房車可以在全球行駛約 4,200 次。

到 2019 年,布魯塞爾工廠將會以證書抵償每年約 5,250 公噸二氧化碳,這是使用其他能源無法避免的。這足以為一艘載有 4,000 名乘客的遊輪提供航行約 10 天的動力 。


早在 2012 年,奧迪在布魯塞爾就開始購買綠色電力,並防止每年排放多達 17,000 公噸的二

氧化碳。 在 2013 年,安裝了該地區最大的光伏系統。在 2017 年,廠房設施進行了擴展。現在,它的面積為 89,000 平方米,大約是 12.5 個足球場的大小,它產生的綠色電力足以為 1,500 多名四人家庭提供一年的電力。同時,由於購買了沼氣證書,此廠房的供熱系統實現了碳中和。燃料、取暖油或焚燒溶劑產生的所有其他排放均通過所謂的碳信用項目來抵消。







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  • With its membrane bioreactor, Audi Ingolstadt is exploiting a pioneering water treatment method that reduces annual fresh water usage by up to half a million cubic meters. This is because wastewater treated in this way can be returned to the plant as process water. It enables fresh water savings equivalent to the average amount used by some 11,000 German citizens each year. What’s more, around 70 percent of the plant’s energy supply is already carbon neutral.

  • The paint shop in the Four Rings’ second main plant in Germany reduces solvent emissions by some 50 percent. Wastewater is discharged into the neighboring sewage treatment plant, where the solvents it contains are converted into methane through anaerobic digestion. The methane can subsequently be used as an energy source. As a result, 250 metric tons of volatile organic compounds (VOC) were eliminated in 2017.

  • In the first quarter of 2017, the Mexican Audi plant succeeded in recycling more than 90 percent of its waste, including metals – in other words, almost 30,000 metric tons. That is equivalent to more than six fully loaded freight trains. Another green project involved planting 100,000 trees in the vicinity of the plant and digging 25,000 pits. These have several functions: They provide the nearby trees with water and, each year, collect up to 375,000 cubic meters of rainwater, which when filtered contributes to naturally remediating the groundwater. In addition, the pits reduce erosion.

  • More than 60 percent of the Hungarian Audi plant’s heating needs are supplied by a completely carbon-neutral geothermal plant. This system uses 100-degree Celsius water from around 2,400 meters underground. This facility cuts CO₂ emissions by 23,000 metric tons each year – the same quantity as over 3,600 Hungarians generate in the same period. Hungary’s annual CO₂ emissions average 6.3 metric tons per capita.

  • Since 2016, a combined cooling, heat and power system has generated electricity, heating and cooling energy. The electric power produced using this plant meets around 80 percent of the Bologna Ducati site’s total demand. In the first year alone, this saved more than 2,000 metric tons of CO₂ from being emitted. This reduction is equivalent to the amount generated by a person flying from Munich to Sydney and back around 300 times.

  • Since 2015, Lamborghini has reduced the amount of toxic waste produced by setting up a new treatment plant for processing washing water. In 2017 alone, waste production at the Sant’Agata Bolognese plant was cut by about 800 metric tons, approximately equivalent to the weight of 400 new Audi A8 cars.